Asus NX90JQ Notebook With Audio Bang Quality

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Asus NX90JQ Notebook
New Gadget Technology - Asus Indonesia released the Asus NX90JQ Notebook. Asus NX90JQ designed for user that needed notebook with audio quality and special design. Asus NX90JQ Notebook using dual touchpad, which placed flanking keyboard chiclet. The way is considered ASUS comfy for the Asus NX90JQ Notebook users to manage and playing multimedia content.

New Asus NX90JQ Notebook claimed as the first notebook in the world with speakers that flanking the LED-backlit screen. SonicMaster is hardware innovations and software results of development between Bang & Olufsen and Asus. Asus NX90JQ Notebook sold at a price U.S $ 2.609.

Asus NX90JQ Notebook Picture :

Asus NX90JQ

New Asus NX90JQ Notebook

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